
Fascinating variety of fuchsia flowers


Sigrids Fuchsienseite (Sigrid’s fuchsia page) was designed as a platform for lovers of good fuchsia pictures in the German speaking countries of Europe. But fuchsias seem to speak an international language and many fuchsia lovers all over the world have visited my website during the last years. Because of this I have decided to put some additional English explanations online.


This website contains more than 1.200 single pages which are all written in German language. I hope you’ll understand that I can’t translate them all (besides of this my English won’t be good enough to do it), but I can try to give you some hints to guide you thru my homepage.


You’ll find here about 3.200 pictures of fuchsias (and more pictures will follow). A click on a small picture will enlarge it in a separate window. You may then download and use it for private use only. Commercial use of the pictures and publishing them in the worldwide web is strictly forbidden!

You can also download a PDF file with almost all of my fuchsia pictures by clicking here. Notice, that printing of the document won’t be successful, because the pictures are too small for this.


Short description of the categories of my website:

Please click here to open a printable PDF- version.


Fuchsienpflege (fuchsia care) = some 13 pages about fuchsia care. They are completely written in German language, so I don’t think that they will interest you.


Neue Bilder (new pictures) = two pages of the newest fuchsia pictures. Click “Weitere Bilder” to open the second page.


Fuchsienliste (fuchsia list) = alphabetical list of all cultivars published on my homepage. Each cultivar has got its own page. Not official names are listed at the end. Click on a blue name to go to the page of this cultivar. You can then click on “Vorherige Fuchsie” to move backwards, or “Nächste Fuchsie” to move forwards in the alphabetical order. A black name in the fuchsia list means that I will publish pictures of this cultivar later on. Please send me an email if you are interested on pictures of some of these cultivars.


Fuchsiengalerie (fuchsia gallery) = list of all photo’s sorted by front letters. Click on a letter to open a page, and then click on the arrows to move backwards / forwards or click on another letter to open a specific page.


Diaschau = a slideshow with some of my fuchsia pictures. This category is divided in tree parts, each with 70 pictures. Click on a picture to start one part. Attention: JavaScript must be activated!


Kreative Bilder = creative pictures and paintings of fuchsias. In the subcategories “Skizzen A-L” and “Skizzen L-Z” you’ll find some kind of pencil drawings.


Private Kreuzungen (private crossings) = a German description of fuchsia- crossings, which haven’t been introduced yet.


Bilder schicken (sending pictures) = I highly appreciate every good picture of a fuchsia flower which has been sent to me and I’ll try to publish it on my website as soon as possible. If you want to share your fuchsia pictures with other fuchsia friends: Please click here to open the English form.


Gästebuch (guestbook) = the guestbook is written in German, but you can change the language by clicking on the arrow on the right hand side of “international”. After this you have to click on the button “wechseln” on the right hand side of the arrow. After writing your message, please first click on “preview” and then on “submit”.


Kontakt (contact) - If you want to write me an email: Please use the English form by clicking here. Notice that I cultivate my fuchsias only as a private hobby. I neither sell fuchsias nor am I able to send plants or cuttings. Notice too, that I can’t answer any questions about fuchsia care, because my English is not good enough for this and the care conditions in your country might be totally different to the conditions I know.


Emails = a list of my emails which were impossible to transmit or haven’t been answered yet. A feedback to my emails is very important for me, because otherwise I don’t know whether the transmission was successful or not. If you find your name there (without having received an email from me), please try to contact me again.


Impressum (imprint)

Click here to open the German disclaimer with legal hints.

Click here to open the English disclaimer.


English version

Fuchsien Bild 1
Fuchsie Bild 2
Fuchsie Bild 3

Feb. 2009

Visitors since

at the moment
